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plucked instrument中文是什么意思

用"plucked instrument"造句"plucked instrument"怎么读"plucked instrument" in a sentence


  • 弹拨乐器
  • 弦拨乐器


  • The tar is the most widely used plucked instrument in iran today
  • The guitar is a kind of antiquated plucked instrument , whose ancestor can be traced back two or three thousand years to ancient egypt
  • Wutong makes superb musical instruments , naturally becoming the image and allusion related to guqin ( a seven - stringed plucked instrument )
  • I don ' t know exactly , but i ' m sure there are at least 300 kinds . they can be grouped in four stringed instruments , plucked instruments , percussion instruments and wind instruments
  • Yi liqi : leading singer , tu - pu - shuo - er ( the plucked instrument of mongolia ) , writing lyrics . the mongols , follow mai mr . ao du su rong learn to hoomei the occupation is the plane maintains
    伊立奇:主唱、图卜硕尔(蒙古的弹拨乐器) 、歌词创作蒙古族,曾跟随蒙古呼麦老师奥都苏容学习呼麦,职业是飞机维修。
  • This instrument union includes bowstring instrument , mongol stringed instrument and pluck instrument , which combines maodun chao er , kouxuanqin and humai and form a creative concept , embody an aesthetic concept that mongolian minority is in harmony with the nature
    由蒙古族弓弦乐器马头琴和弹拨乐“图布秀尔”为主奏加以弹唱组合的这首器乐曲,将管乐“冒顿?潮尔” 、口弦琴与“呼麦”等源自天籁之音般的混响溶于一体,整体上产生了一种空灵深邃的意境,同时也体现出蒙古民族天人合一的美学理念。
用"plucked instrument"造句  
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